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More friends,
more data

The bigger your Viking Clan, the more free data everyone gets. Moreover, it's like a walk in the park: you create your Viking Clan in only 3 clicks, and you can join with any mobile subscription. So... what are you waiting for?

Lone Viking

Viking in a Clan

does it work?

Clan of 2

Could your sweetheart, neighbour or uncle Charles do with some extra data? Then form a Clan together and each will enjoy 2 GB of free extra data each month. And you can do so with any mobile subscription.

Clan of 2

Could your sweetheart, neighbour or uncle Charles do with some extra data? Then form a Clan together and each will enjoy 2 GB of free extra data each month. And you can do so with any mobile subscription.

Clan of 3

Let's expand! Recruit another person for your Clan - could be an existing or a new Viking - and all three of you will get an extra 3 GB for free each month. Noice!

Clan of 3

Uitbreiden maar! Rekruteer nog iemand voor jullie Clan - een bestaande of een nieuwe Viking - en jullie krijgen alle drie elke maand gratis 3 GB extra. Noice!

Clan of 4

Go all-in and get a fourth person to board your Clan too. That way, all four of you will get 4 GB for free each month.

What's in a name?

A true Viking Clan has a name that makes history. So unleash your creativity and choose a legendary name for your Clan. Here is some inspiration from our Vikings.


Look at you, you’ve made it all the way down here. Have any more questions?